The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected the entire oncology community and has altered healthcare delivery for a duration that cannot yet be estimated. Patients with cancer are more susceptible to COVID-19 not only because of their underlying malignancy, but also because of the anti-cancer therapies they undergo that result in a suppressed immune system.
To ensure the lymphoma community stays informed, please find below useful resources on COVID-19 and best care based on most-recent knowledge.
Credible Resources on COVID-19
2020 Report Card on Lymphomas: The Impact of COVID-19 on Care
- Lymphoma Coalition annual report card points to various COVID-19-related impacts on patients with cancer, specific to lymphomas and CLL where possible, that have been identified through research. Major gaps in care for patients with cancer are identified and summarised, and recommendations for closing these gaps are described.
Guidance for Treating Patients
- American Society of Hematology (ASH) – COVID-19 and CLL FAQs
- ASH – COVID-19 and Hodgkin Lymphoma FAQs
- ASH – COVID-19 and Indolent Lymphomas FAQs
- ASH – COVID-19 and Aggressive Lymphomas FAQs
- European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) – recommendations for patients who have had a stem-cell transplant
- National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) – COVID-19 and T-Cell/ Primary Cutaneous Lymphomas
Patient Organisation Support
France: France Lymphome Espoir
New Zealand: Leukaemia & Blood Cancer NZ
Portugal: Associação Portuguesa de Leucemias e Linfomas
Serbia: LIPA Lymphoma Patients Association
USA: Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation
USA: Lymphoma Research Foundation
- World Health Organisation (WHO) – how to protect yourself, including posters/graphics created for your use
- WHO – COVID-19 Myth-busters
- Centers for Disease Control (CDC) – use of cloth face coverings to help slow the spread of COVID-19
- ASCO – COVID-19 Q&A: for patients and survivors
- American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) – specific advice for cancer patients
Psychosocial Support
- NCCN – suggestions for self-care and stress management during the pandemic (While intended for doctors, the recommendations are good for anyone during this time of physical distancing and emotional upheaval.)
- NCCN – self-care and distress management for patients and carers
Support for Patient Organisations
- House086 – advice for patient groups from China
- Gotomeeting – offers Free Emergency Remote Work Kits (for 90 days) for Health Care Providers, Educational Institutions, Municipalities & Non-Profit Organizations. These kits will include solutions for meetings and video conferencing, webinars and virtual events
Clinical Trials
- European Medicines Agency (EMA) – advice on clinical trials during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure any trials are safe for patients and the data produced is valid
- EMA – warnings about falsified or fake medicines circulating that claim to treat or prevent COVID-19
Clinical Guidance
- American Society of Hematology – information to assist hematologists in navigating the COVID-19 public health crisis.
- European Hematology Association (EHA) – COVID-19 & Hematology Information Center: Standing by hematology professionals in the COVID-19 crisis
Joint Statement on COVID-19
In response to the global pandemic, Lymphoma Coalition collaborated with 7 other global cancer coalitions and alliances in order to jointly call for a plan of action to ensure that we regain ground that has been lost as a result of COVID-19 and protect cancer services and patients. According to a recent survey led by the Coalition, many patient organizations are facing significant challenges in the wake of the pandemic. Read our joint statement to learn more about the survey results, the challenges, and suggested best practices moving forward.
COVID-19: Impact on Cancer Patient Organisations Worldwide in 2020
This report highlights the findings of a survey of member organisations jointly undertaken by six global cancer coalitions in December 2020, all members of the Global Cancer Coalitions Network (GCCN), with additional commentary in the Appendix from the GCCN member International Brain Tumour Alliance, who had already conducted similar work.